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Are you Asian? A student of Asia? A language nerd? Mixed-race? Or just a citizen of the world? Maybe you’ve recently realized that there are a bazillion perspectives out there, and most of them do not align with yours. This is a good place to start thinking and asking questions, because some of us are born in that liminal space and live there 24/7.

I’m a novelist, but have spent years avoiding the material that interests me the most. This newsletter is my attempt to face up to the Real Stuff. Which is that…

I speak Japlish.

I’ll never be truly fluent, but I was born and raised by someone who doesn’t speak English. So how does that work? I’m not sure. But after years of both chasing after Japanese and running away from it, I’m going to sit down and grapple with it. Feel free to join me.

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In between cultures and languages, American and Japanese.


New England writer from Hawaii in a 1780s colonial. I speak Japlish—yes, it is my native tongue.